Primordia: Neurosymbolic AI for fundamental finance

Prototyping started in Jan/2024. Whitepaper coming soon

First-principles safety for AI in the real world

Developed under the Supervised Program for AI Research, Spring/Summer 2024. Publications coming soon

AI Safety for Nuclear Decommissioning

The goal of this project* is to create modern AI tools based on SOTA machine learning and neurosymbolic AI with the goal of understanding regulatory mechanisms and automizing review processes. While the ML components will handle the complex processes, the neurosymbolic approaches will create whitebox mechanisms making all AI components auditable, interpretable and transparent. Read more


*This project has been approved and is being funded by the BMBF for approx. 2.1M€ over the course of three years. Project start is 02/2025.

id = "alisa_intro"

Collective Intelligence for Energy Transition

The aim of this project** ist to create an AI-supported Collective Intelligence platform to support onboarding processes within organizations through machine learning components.
Virtual personas replicating human tutors will be supporting learning processes backed by neuroscientific laboratory experiments verifying our novel ML algorithms.
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**This project has been approved and is being funded by the BMBF for approx. 2M€ over the course of three years. Project start is 03/2025.

id = "kiko_intro"